Best E Series Cylinders
1E Mortise Cylinder
Standard mortise applications require use of BEST"s 1E series cylinders with standard 1E-C4 cam. BEST cylinders may be altered to function with other manufacturers' locks by use of different cams and different cylinder rings. Special cylinder variations are available for most applications. BEST cylinders are machined from brass or bronze bar stock and are available in a variety of finishes. Additional security is provided by a set screw that mounts diagonally in the cylinder wall and when tightened, holds the cylinder securely in the housing. BEST mortise cylinders feature the BEST interchangeable core and may be masterkeyed into any existing BEST system.
1E Rim Cylinder
Standard rim cylinder applications require the use of BEST"s 1E rim cylinder series. BEST rim cylinders are interchangeable with other manufacturers" rim cylinders. BEST rim cylinders are machined from solid bar stock and are available in a variety of finishes. The standard package for the BEST rim cylinder includes cylinder, RP ring package, 1E-S2 spindle, clamp plate and clamp plate screws. BEST rim cylinders feature the BEST interchangeable core and may be masterkeyed into any existing Best system.
Special cams are available which will operate most mortise locksets, regardless of make or function. With these cams, your masterkeyed system can be extended through the use of replacement cylinders with cams similar to those being used. A few of the cams are illustrated. Other designs are available upon request. All cams available are designed for use on BEST mortise cylinders.
WARNING"“ Best Access Systems desires to provide up-to-date and reliable product adaptation uses. However, BEST cannot guarantee the quality of other manufacturers' locksets. In addition, other lock manufacturers' may make changes to their product that affect the operation and compatibility of our core and cylinder adaptation. When this occurs, those manufacturers' have no obligation to notify BEST. If you are using a BEST cylinder in another manufacturers' lockset and find that it does not operate properly for any reason, please contact your local BEST sales office immediately.